Among Us Review: Pure Murder Mystery Fun

4 min readSep 4, 2020

The multiplayer game is pure fun for friends and a perfect quarantine game

Among Us is a multiplayer game where you must identify and expose an imposter/murderer amongst the players. Admittedly, the concept is quite simple and akin to a murder mystery game. Last time, I reviewed The Henry Stickmin Collection, another excellent game made by InnerSloth. Who also made this game! So I’ve come to expect good things out of this. I had heard about this game for a while but never got around to playing it. Now that I’ve spent a couple of days with this game, I can say that I get why people like it!

The game again, has a simple premise but it it doesn’t have to be complicated to be fun. The game allows you to have a private server for friends or join public games. Personally, I had more fun playing with my friends and public games were a bit less fun. Still, I had fun with it. The gameplay is a bit more complex than the Henry Stickmin Collection. You can have up to ten players, one of which is the imposter, who will go around and kill people while trying not to get detected. While this is going on, players must complete tasks and try not to get killed while also investigating other players behavior. When you find a dead body, you can report it and talk about it with players and try to determine who did it. Players have a vote option in these meetings to choose who they think is the murderer. Which can end up being the imposter or someone innocent. Imposters can also trigger random events which force players to do tasks. It might sound complicated, but it is a really fun party game.

Going around and solving a mystery while also doing tasks is shockingly entertaining. Being an Imposter is even more fun than being a crewmate, which is still a fun role! Players can customize their characters with hats, clothes and pets. Some of these are paid but are incredibly cheap. Speaking of cheap, this game is a steal! Among Us goes for a mere $5 on Steam, and on mobile it’s free! For $5 or even free, you can get yourself hours of fun with friends. The 2D art is Admittedly simple, but nice to look at. But the visuals aren’t really what I think is the motivation for getting this. The gameplay and concept was enough to have me interested and addicted to this.

I have almost been playing nonstop because Among Us has such addictive qualities. I don’t know what is about it, but I think it is the perfect game for this quarantine situation. Helping you connect with friends and just have a good time, safely. Among Us also has rage inducing qualities in my opinion. I have gotten very mad at this game, due to its mystery aspect. Sometimes, people wrongfully accuse me of being the murderer and they end up being the murderer! I know its the point of the game, but I could see people getting mad at this game. Among Us also has great replay value, unlike The Henry Stickmin Collection.

However, Among Us isn’t without flaws. Entering a server is incredibly frustrating. To join a server, I have to enter a code about 8 times until I can join. And sometimes, It just doesn’t work! The game definitely has server issues alright. Admittedly, the server problems are getting resolved but its still a problem. Among Us also has a lot of bugs in my playthrough and sometimes even delayed sounds? I don’t know if that was just my device, but it’s a problem either way. A lot of servers are filled with trolls and just outright stupid people. There is also no social tools like friends or messangers. (That one is a bit of a nitpick i’ll admit) But still, I really liked it.

Among Us is another fantastic game by InnerSloth that I wish I discovered earlier. The gameplay is utterly addictive and playing with friends is incredibly fun. It may have issues, but when you really get into it, the game is easily enjoyable and most of those flaws can be ignored if you just enjoy the actual game. A perfect fit for your group of gaming friends and raging streamers!

Final Score: 7/10

PROS- Fun gameplay, Nice visuals, Lots of Replay Value, Cheap!

CONS- Lots of server issues, A little buggy, No social tools

Get Among Us on Steam for $5 or for free on the App Store or Google Play Store!




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